Das gehypte T-Shirt im Internet trägt Jeremy Allen White in „The Bear“.

Posted by lukas hoeller on

"La serie Disney "The Bear" ha prodotto una star insolita: una maglietta bianca. Da dove viene questo pezzo cult? Naturalmente da Berlino!

Nessuno avrebbe mai immaginato, ma così funziona apparentemente Internet. Quando lo scorso anno è uscita la prima stagione di "The Bear" su Disney+, non solo l'attore Jeremy Allen White è diventato una superstar, ma anche la sua maglietta bianca. Sì, hai letto bene. Su internet è iniziata una vera caccia al tesoro. Ora lo stilista ha svelato il segreto: la maglietta bianca proviene dal marchio berlinese "MERZ B SCHWANEN" (Jana Hollstein  • Berliner Kurier)

"Die Disney-Serie „The Bear“ hat einen ungewöhnlichen Star hervorgebracht: ein weißes T-Shirt. Wo das Kult-Stück herkommt? Natürlich aus Berlin!

Damit hätte niemand gerechnet, aber so funktioniert wohl das Internet. Als letztes Jahr die erste Staffel von „The Bear“ auf Disney+ erschienen ist, wurde nicht nur Schauspieler Jeremy Allen White zum Superstar, sondern auch sein weißes T-Shirt. Ja, das haben Sie richtig gelesen. Im Internet ging eine richtige Schatzsuche los. Jetzt hat die Stylistin das Geheimnis gelüftet: Das weiße T-Shirt kommt vom Berliner Label MERZ B SCHWANEN" (Jana Hollstein  • Berliner Kurier)

"The Disney series "The Bear" has produced an unusual star: a white T-shirt. Where does this cult piece come from? Naturally, from Berlin!

Nobody would have expected it, but that's how the internet works. When the first season of "The Bear" appeared on Disney+ last year, not only did actor Jeremy Allen White become a superstar, but so did his white T-shirt. Yes, you read that right. The internet embarked on a real treasure hunt. Now, the stylist has unveiled the secret: the white T-shirt comes from the Berlin-based label MERZ B SCHWANEN" (Jana Hollstein • Berliner Kurier)


GOOD ORIGINALS | 215 loopwheeled T-shirt, 8,6oz, classic fit

In "The Bear", Carmy is rarely seen out of his kitchen-staple white tee. But it couldn't be just any shirt: "Carmy comes from a place in the fine-dining world where you have to care about how you present yourself. He's not just wearing a white undershirt," costume designer Courtney Wheeler said. They set out to find the most structured and well-fitting T-shirt possible, NY MAG


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